Outreach is a cornerstone of Kizuna Dance's commitment to communities it enters.
The company has lead workshops, masterclasses, and residencies in twenty states and abroad in the Japan, Mexico, France, and the UK, including at institutions such as Gibney Dance, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bates College, old Dominion University, Slippery Rock University, Joffrey Dance Center, Middlebury Institute for International Studies, Purdue University, Spectrum Dance Theatre, De Montfort University, Performatica, Dance Complex, Hunter College, Middlebury College, and Studio Muku, among many others.
Learn more about the activities the company can offer your institution in custom-tailored residencies.
We can offer classes in:
Hip-Hop / House
Kids Classes
...and more!

Seminars on the creative process, choreographic devices, and the intersections of butoh and streetdance

The company reveals the creative process behind the creation of a repertory work and then performs. The showing can be followed by an optional Q&A.
Showings can be easily provided with minimal tech requirements in a variety of performance venues, ranging from stages to classrooms and cafeterias.